Non-Academic Grievances
San Antonio College acknowledges the possibility that incidents may occur outside the academic setting that might result in a student feeling he/she is the object of unjust treatment by a college official. This concern could include misconduct or a condition the student believes to be unfair, inequitable, discriminatory, or a hindrance to the student’s educational progress. This policy does not apply to decisions regarding financial aid eligibility, student disciplinary actions, or those pertaining to academic matters.
Students are encouraged to use the Non-Academic Grievance Procedure only where there is clear and convincing evidence that a college official has treated the student unfairly through forms of discrimination, abuse and/or harassment. Prior to initiating a formal grievance, the student should make a reasonable effort to resolve the problem with the person, or supervisor of the program, against whom the complaint is being made. This should occur as soon as possible following the protested circumstance.
Non-Academic Grievance Policy: F.4.7 (Policy) Non-Academic Grievances
Non-Academic Grievance Procedure: F.4.7.1 (Procedure) Non-Academic Grievances