Project BUILD

Project BUILD is a Title III, Hispanic Serving Institution STEM grant funded by the Department of Education. Project BUILD is designed to significantly improve San Antonio College’s capacity to provide academic support to Hispanic and otherwise underrepresented STEM majors students who are enrolled in high-challenge STEM courses to increase their chances of progressing to on-time graduation and/or transfer in STEM.

A major component of Project BUILD is to incorporate Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs) in STEM courses taught at San Antonio College. Our resource site is designed to provide an overview of the application and onboarding process for STEM faculty committed to implementing CUREs.

Anticipated Outcomes

Upon full execution, San Antonio College expects implementation of Project BUILD to:

  • Increase the number of Hispanic and low-income students who are pursuing a STEM degree by at least 10%,
  • Increase full-time STEM degree-seeking students who persist to the second year of study in a STEM field to at least 75% from 59%,
  • and to increase the percentage of Hispanic and low-income first-time, full-time STEM degree-seeking students who graduate or transfer on time to at least 42% from 21%.

All components of Project BUILD are informed by research and evaluation findings that suggest they are likely to improve Hispanic and low-income student success in STEM.

Incorporating CUREs for Faculty

Project BUILD is seeking faculty interested in implementing CUREs for Fall 2025. If you are full or part-time faculty in a STEM discipline and want to learn more about upcoming events, faculty and division benefits, application process, and professional development please complete the CUREs Interest Form below.

CUREs Commitment and Statement of Need Form FL2025 


Embedded Tutors

Project BUILD also funds part-time embedded tutors assigned in high-challenge, introductory courses that are required for the majority of the SAC’s STEM associate degrees and articulation agreements. Embedded Course Tutors attend each class to gain a better sense of what concepts students are struggling with to facilitate continuous communication with faculty, and to communicate tutoring availability often to encourage students’ participation at campus academic success centers. Embedded Lab Tutors are assigned to various academic success centers across campus to provide tutoring across a wide range of subjects.

Embedded Tutor Interest Form

Project Staff

Christopher Saldivar
Academic Program Director

Aaron Ellis
Academic Program Coordinator

Dana Ledford
Academic Program Specialist